From a sunset in La Manga del Mar Menor of the Mediterranean to a pleasant walk along the Sierra de Gredos. Or if you prefer, get lost in the streets of the centuries-old city of Trujillo or take a weekend shopping in Brussels. Everything you need, just a click away ...
A genuine natural paradise with significant environmental features:
Spectacular landscapes framed with flora, fauna and geology combine to create an impressive mountain and one of the most beautiful areas in the world whether you want to be at one with nature, play sports or just relax.
Carretera de los Llanos s/nº - 05600
T (+34) 920 34 51 71
La Manga del Mar Menor
A truly unique location between two seas. The Mar Menor, the largest salt lagoon in Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to the mild temperatures throughout the year the Mar Menor is perfectly suited for a wide range of sporting and nautical activities for all ages whether you visit during the winter or summer.
A monumental city that transports you back in time. Around each of its corners there are prehistoric remains and remnants of ancient civilizations, from the Celts, the Romans, through the Visigothic occupation and the Caliphate period before concluding in the 13th Century with Christian occupation.
Plaza del Campillo, nº1 - 10200
T (+34) 927 45 89 00
Hotel Izán Cavanna
Hotel Izán Puerta de Gredos
Hotel Izan Trujillo
Hotel Izán Avenue Louise
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and make one of the most special days of your life a reality...
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